Old Bike

When you undertake to investigate a bicycle for the first time, take an old one as a subject, and endeavor to put it in perfect running order.

Comments Are Posted

Sorry for the delay in posting recent comments, I've just started my winter vacation, and have been away from the computer. This will be the situation through the end of the week, so if you leave a comment before December 27, it may take a day or two to post. Thanks for your patience!

San Diego Tweed Ride!

Photos from the First Annual San Diego Tweed Ride, in which my wife and I rode (sort of, see link below) with our 1955 Huffy Sportsman and 1977 Schwinn Suburban. It even rained, which is pretty rare here.

I posted a ride report here, and there are many more photos at the Velo Cult Bike Shop Blog. Good times!